If you run an online business, you should be aware of the consequences of online order fraud. Did you know that for every $1 in order fraud, online merchants pay between $2.67 and $3.05 dealing with the problem? That means that for a single $100 order, your business could end up paying over $300.
We specialize in ecommerce solutions, especially Woocommerce and Shopify, which is why simplicity.online has partnered with NS8 for online order fraud protection.
Products such as NS8 Protect can help businesses verify a user’s identity, request SMS verification, and quarantine any fraudulent orders, which helps merchants to both protect their storefront and their bottom line. In addition to online order fraud, NS8 can save you hundreds, or perhaps thousands of dollars per month on re-targeting ads. Bots not only target your checkout process for fraud, they also SPAM your site to get on your re-targeting list. This allows the sites which run those re-targeting ads to make more money at your expense. Let NS8 Protect take care of this for you! It automatically removes bots from your re-targeting list, which allows you to reallocate those dollars into growing your store. Why line the pockets of Google and malicious online scammers when you can simply install NS8 today on your chosen platform?
More than Online Order Fraud
- NS8 TrueStats: TrueStats.com is an analytics and conversion tracking application that specializes in detecting bot activity and invalid traffic to provide a true view of your data.
- NS8 StayLive: Staylive.com is a global website monitoring service. It will progressively alert you when one of your sites is down or block listed.
- NS8 Data Services: NS8 makes its core data available through an easy to use REST API as well as a number of native SDK style libraries from popular programing languages.
- NS8 Performance & Reputation Monitoring: Monitor your store and domain for SSL certificate validity, spam and malware block list status, load completion and global performance rating, all of which are essential to eCommerce stores who rely on e-mail marketing or multiple platform plugins to operate.
Contact us today for a free consultation to see what simplicity.online and NS8 can do for your online business.