Gantt Charts
A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Socius generates Gantt charts based on task lists within a project. These task lists will create bars on the chart, and the timeline is generated based on the earliest start date of a task within that list. The latest due date will mark the end of the timeline. A secure link to the chart for your project is on the project sidebar under Reports. To share the chart, simply use the sidebar button and copy the secure link in your browser’s address bar.
To populate your Gantt chart, you must provide Socius with task lists containing tasks with Start date and Due on fields filled out. The chart uses a weekly time interval to display the task lists.
Once the tasks and checklists are checked off, Socius will begin automatically calculating completion percentage for each task list. The current week is marked in green. Black bars represent the completion percentage visually. Hover over each bar to see a tooltip with the completion percentage number.