Basic Tracking
In addition to records entry and storage, RMS Essentials is a basic tracking system. Locations are defined in the system, which consist of an ID and a human readable name. A location in the system can be a physical location, or it can be a person. Therefore, an item can be checked out out to a physical location or to a person.
Think of this basic tracking system like a library: an item is checked out to an authorized user and returned at a later date. The system simply keeps track of whether items are “in” or “out.” The tracking system itself consists of two fields: location and status.
Check out will more than likely be performed by someone in charge of the area checking things out to people. The check out button and workflow is made available to Functional users and above.
Home Locations
In order to track whether an item is in or out, it is necessary to assign it a home (in) location. Upon record creation, each record in the database is automatically assigned a home location. At this point, the assigned to field is blank and the status field is set to checked in. The system will compare the location field to the home location to ascertain if an item is checked in or checked out.
Check In/Check Out options will be configurable through the web application. The following options need to be configured.
- Check out to <Location> populated from the “Location Object”
- Reason Code <Reason> to be populated from the “Reason Code Object”
- Date Due Back – Optional with calendar drop down. If chosen date should have the option to display in the main record view and the detailed record view
My Records
When a record is assigned to a user, the user will see the record in their My Records screen. They don’t have the ability to return or edit the records under My Records, they must return them to their home location so an authorized user can check them back in.
Checked Out Records
Records which are currently checked out (status “checked out”) will be displayed on the Checked Out Records screen. If there is only one record type, users should have the option to view this data point in the main record display table. This should be a toggle on the main record display.
UI should allow Records Operations similar to the main records view, including the option to choose all or some of the records and with a single click, check them back in.