If you remember your history, you remember your past, which is one of the many reasons why digitizing and organizing historical documents has recently become standard practice in the records management industry. Bexar County approached us looking for a progressive records management system that could help them catalog, organize, and preserve the county’s rich historical and cultural heritage. We delivered Simplicity RMS to the city, detailing and inventorying nearly 40,000 historical records for digital capture while allowing city staff to easily engage in cataloging historical documents into bound volumes.

Bexar County is the 4th largest county in Texas and the 17th largest county in the United States. It is steeped in rich history and tradition while rapidly growing with a population approaching two million. It is also where the City of San Antonio and The Alamo’s renowned World Heritage Site reside. Our software automatically calculated the number of pages, images, and books during the inventory process. On an ongoing basis, the county used our software to manage the records throughout the preservation production process.

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